A brief history of RISD’s Scrotie mascot 

By | September 2, 2023

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is renowned for its creative and artistic community. Among its many distinctive features, RISD boasts an unconventional and unforgettable mascot: Scrotie.

Scrotie was never the official team mascot, but for the past 21 years, he’s been a semi-regular presence at Nads games

In this article, Mascots of Uni delve into the intriguing history of RISD’s Scrotie mascot, exploring its origins, significance, and the unique legacy it holds within the institution.

The Unconventional Mascot

RISD’s mascot, Scrotie, is a testament to the school’s commitment to artistic expression, creativity, and embracing unconventional ideas. Scrotie’s distinctive appearance challenges traditional mascot stereotypes and embodies RISD’s distinct identity.

Scrotie serves as a representation of the creativity and humor that permeate RISD’s campus. While it may raise eyebrows and elicit laughter, Scrotie has become an iconic symbol of pride for the RISD community.

Origins and Evolution

Scrotie made its debut as RISD’s unofficial mascot in the late 1990s during a hockey game. Inspired by the school’s Nads (Nadsat), a student band, Scrotie’s creation was meant to embody the irreverent and playful spirit of the RISD community.

Scrotie’s costume is a combination of outrageous elements, featuring a large, phallic-shaped nose, exaggerated eyebrows, and a unique headpiece. The costume is often accessorized with unconventional props, reflecting RISD’s artistic flair.

Scrotie’s Role and Impact

Sporting Events and Campus Life

Scrotie serves as an enthusiastic supporter at RISD’s sporting events, adding a distinctive and spirited presence. Its unorthodox appearance, combined with its energetic antics, contributes to an unforgettable game-day experience.

A Symbol of Unconventionality

Scrotie has come to represent the unapologetic individuality and freedom of expression that RISD students embody. It serves as a reminder that artistic pursuits should be daring, boundary-pushing, and unafraid to challenge societal norms.

Controversy and Recognition

Pushing Boundaries

As an unconventional mascot, Scrotie has faced its fair share of controversy and debate. Some have questioned its appropriateness, while others argue that it perfectly captures RISD’s irreverent spirit. Regardless, Scrotie has become an emblematic figure of the school’s identity.

National Recognition

Scrotie’s unique and eye-catching presence has garnered national attention. The mascot has been featured in various media outlets and has become a memorable character associated with RISD.

The Enduring Legacy

For RISD students and alumni, Scrotie evokes a sense of nostalgia and fond memories. Its unusual appearance and spirited nature leave a lasting impression, creating a bond among those who have experienced RISD’s vibrant and creative community.

Scrotie’s legacy extends beyond the confines of the mascot itself. It represents RISD’s commitment to artistic freedom, unconventional thinking, and pushing the boundaries of creativity.


RISD’s Scrotie mascot stands as a testament to the school’s distinctive identity and its celebration of artistic expression. As an unconventional figure that challenges norms, Scrotie embodies RISD’s unapologetic spirit and the community’s commitment to pushing boundaries. Whether met with laughter, controversy, or national recognition, Scrotie remains an indelible part of RISD’s history and a beloved symbol of artistic freedom.

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